Detailed kinetic analysis of small molecule inhibitors binding to protein kinases using SPR-based assays.

Our KINASCREENTM service provides a comprehensive kinetic characterization of your small molecule kinase inhibitors. We have established SPR assays for more than 25 kinases directly monitoring the binding kinetics of small molecules to the target proteins immobilised on sensor chips. SPR assays as service are available for the following kinases:

Figure: Real-time kinetic analysis of general kinase inhibitor staurosporine binding to PKA Cα using surface plasmon resonance.


Our service:

  • Immobilization of active and unactive kinases using suitable coupling strategies
  • Qualitative screening or semi-quantitative analysis of small molecule kinase inhibitors
  • Quantitative kinetic analysis providing rate constants for association and dissociation and affinities (kass, kdiss, KD
  • Thermodynamic characterization of compound target interactions to explore temperature dependency and determine enthalpy and entropy values

We are constantly working on further SPR-based kinase assays. Please get in contact with one of our SPR application specialists and ask for our currently available services or for a customized assay development for your specific target protein.

BIAFFIN GmbH & Co KG | Heinrich-Plett-Str. 40 | D-34132 Kassel | Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 561-804 4661 | Fax: +49 (0) 561-804 4665 |

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